You deserve to step into your role as CEO…

As a Certified Online Business Manager, I help neurodivergent entrepreneurs by systemizing their businesses, effectively managing their teams & allowing them to make more money with less overwhelm.

Certified Online Business Management + Strategy

You have plenty of people working for you, it’s time for someone to work with you.

Ways I can help you

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    Online Business Management Retainer

    As a Certified Online Business Manager, I bring expertise in systems, people and processes. Through my monthly retainer services (starting from $1,300/month), I can help with the day-to-day management of projects, operations, metrics and your team. Setting up replicable processes for your team to execute is where I shine.

    Let me take the day-to-day work of managing a business off your plate.

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    OBM on Demand Package

    Wondering if you’re ready for an OBM? Maybe you’re not quite there, but could benefit from talking to a professional who gets you and your business.

    As your OBM on Demand, I’ll meet with you weekly to check in on your business, help you stay on track with your goals and talk through challenges and ideas. It’s sort of like having a friend who’s an Online Business Manager!

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    Virtual Assistant Hiring

    Are you a solopreneur juggling more tasks than you can handle, finding yourself bogged down by admin when you should be focusing on growing your client base and your business?

    Let me find you a perfect VA match and help you take the next step in your business journey. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to growth and peace of mind.

Lightpress co-owner, Cooper

“As a self-taught entrepreneur with ADHD, I was really struggling to keep up with daily admin tasks in our web design business. All my energy for actually doing creative work was getting sucked into admin and confusing business decisions I felt like we were always having to make alone, in a vacuum. Within weeks of onboarding with Ashley, the investment was easily paying for itself. Our stress levels became much more manageable, and we finally felt like we could turn our full attention towards what really lights our fire (and pays the bills): building websites.

Ashley is like a human Swiss Army knife for online business strategy and admin. She’s agile and dynamic, always ready to learn something new or lend useful perspective to whatever new project we have going on — all while somehow consistently handling daily administrative work much faster than we can do it ourselves. People with her skill set usually get wooed by Fortune 500 companies and offered huge sums of money, so I recognize we are lucky every day that we get to run our business with her support. Most days I think or say to my business partner out loud, “Phew, thank goodness Ashley prefers working for herself,” because I truly have no idea what we would do without her.”

- Cooper, Co-owner, Lightpress Web Design